Publications by Author: Grunwald, Dirk

T. Moseley, A. Shye, V. J. Reddi, D. Grunwald, and R. Peri, “Shadow Profiling: Hiding Instrumentation Costs with Parallelism,” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2007, pp. 198–208. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In profiling, a tradeoff exists between information and overhead. For example, hardware-sampling profilers incur negligible overhead, but the information they collect is consequently very coarse. Other profilers use instrumentation tools to gather temporal traces such as path profiles and hot memory streams, but they have high overhead. Runtime and feedback-directed compilation systems need detailed information to aggressively optimize, but the cost of gathering profiles can outweigh the benefits. Shadow profiling is a novel method for sampling long traces of instrumented code in parallel with normal execution, taking advantage of the trend of increasing numbers of cores. Each instrumented sample can be many millions of instructions in length. The primary goal is to incur negligible overhead, yet attain profile information that is nearly as accurate as a perfect profile.

The profiler requires no modifications to the operating system or hardware, and is tunable to allow for greater coverage or lower overhead. We evaluate the performance and accuracy of this new profiling technique for two common types of instrumentation-based profiles: interprocedural path profiling and value profiling. Overall, profiles collected using the shadow profiling framework are 94% accurate versus perfect value profiles, while incurring less than 1% overhead. Consequently, this technique increases the viability of dynamic and continuous optimization systems by hiding the high overhead of instrumentation and enabling the online collection of many types of profiles that were previously too costly.

T. Moseley, et al., “Dynamic Run-time Architecture Techniques For Enabling Continuous Optimization,” in Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Computing frontiers, 2005, pp. 211–220. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Future computer systems will integrate tens of multithreaded processor cores on a single chip die, resulting in hundreds of concurrent program threads sharing system resources. These designs will be the cornerstone of improving throughput in high-performance computing and server environments. However, to date, appropriate systems software (operating system, run-time system, and compiler) technologies for these emerging machines have not been adequately explored. Future processors will require sophisticated hardware monitoring units to continuously feed back resource utilization information to allow the operating system to make optimal thread co-scheduling decisions and also to software that continuously optimizes the program itself. Nevertheless, in order to continually and automatically adapt systems resources to program behaviors and application needs, specific run-time information must be collected to adequately enable dynamic code optimization and operating system scheduling. Generally, run-time optimization is limited by the time required to collect profiles, the time required to perform optimization, and the inherent benefits of any optimization or decisions. Initial techniques for effectively utilizing runtime information for dynamic optimization and informed thread scheduling in future multithreaded architectures are presented.
