
M. Halpern, B. Boroujerdian, T. Mummert, E. Duesterwald, and V. J. Reddi, “One Size Does Not Fit All: Quantifying and Exposing the Accuracy-Latency Trade-off in Machine Learning Cloud Service APIs via Tolerance Tiers,” in Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), 2019.Abstract

Today's cloud service architectures follow a “one size fits all” deployment strategy where the same service version instantiation is provided to the end users. However, consumers are broad and different applications have different accuracy and responsiveness requirements, which as we demonstrate renders the “one size fits all” approach inefficient in practice. We use a production grade speech recognition engine, which serves several thousands of users, and an open source computer vision based system, to explain our point. To overcome the limitations of the “one size fits all” approach, we recommend Tolerance Tiers where each MLaaS tier exposes an accuracy/responsiveness characteristic, and consumers can programmatically select a tier. We evaluate our proposal on the CPU-based automatic speech recognition (ASR) engine and cutting-edge neural networks for image classification deployed on both CPUs and GPUs. The results show that our proposed approach provides a MLaaS cloud service architecture that can be tuned by the end API user or consumer to outperform the conventional “one size fits all” approach.

W. Cui, D. Richins, Y. Zhu, and V. J. Reddi, “Tail Latency in Node.js: Energy Efficient Turbo Boosting for Long Latency Requests in Event-Driven Web Services,” in Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE), 2019.Abstract

Cloud-based Web services are shifting to the event-driven, scripting language-based programming model to achieve productivity, flexibility, and scalability. Implementations of this model, however, generally suffer from long tail latencies, which we measure using Node.js as a case study. Unlike in traditional thread-based systems, reducing long tails is difficult in event-driven systems due to their inherent asynchronous programming model. We propose a framework to identify and optimize tail latency sources in scripted eventdriven Web services. We introduce profiling that allows us to gain deep insights into not only how asynchronous eventdriven execution impacts application tail latency but also how the managed runtime system overhead exacerbates the tail latency issue further. Using the profiling framework, we propose an event-driven execution runtime design that orchestrates the hardware’s boosting capabilities to reduce tail latency. We achieve higher tail latency reductions with lower energy overhead than prior techniques that are unaware of the underlying event-driven program execution model. The lessons we derive from Node.js apply to other event-driven services based on scripting language frameworks.

Paper Presentation
M. S. Louis, et al., “Towards Deep Learning using TensorFlow Lite on RISC-V,” Third Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV). 2019.Abstract

Deep neural networks have been extensively adopted for a myriad of applications due to their ability to learn patterns from large amounts of data. The desire to preserve user privacy and reduce user-perceived latency has created the need to perform deep neural network inference tasks on low-power consumer edge devices. Since such tasks often tend to be computationally intensive, offloading this compute from mobile/embedded CPU to a purposedesigned "Neural Processing Engines" is a commonly adopted solution for accelerating deep learning computations. While these accelerators offer significant speed-ups for key machine learning kernels, overheads resulting from frequent host-accelerator communication often diminish the net application-level benefit of this heterogeneous system. Our solution for accelerating such workloads involves developing ISA extensions customized for machine learning kernels and designing a custom in-pipeline execution unit for these specialized instructions. We base our ISA extensions on RISC-V: an open ISA specification that lends itself to such specializations. In this paper, we present the software infrastructure for optimizing neural network execution on RISC-V with ISA extensions. Our ISA extensions are derived from the RISC-V Vector ISA proposal, and we develop optimized implementations of the critical kernels such as convolution and matrix multiplication using these instructions. These optimized functions are subsequently added to the TensorFlow Lite source code and cross-compiled for RISC-V. We find that only a small set of instruction extensions achieves coverage over a wide variety of deep neural networks designed for vision and speech-related tasks. On average, our software implementation using the extended instructions set reduces the executed instruction count by 8X in comparison to baseline implementation. In parallel, we are also working on the hardware design of the inpipeline machine learning accelerator. We plan to open-source our software modifications to TF Lite, as well as the micro-architecture design in due course.

T. - W. Chin, C. - L. Yu, M. Halpern, H. Genc, S. - L. Tsao, and V. J. Reddi, “Domain-Specific Approximation for Object Detection,” IEEE Micro, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 31–40, 2018. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In summary,

our contributions are as follows: • We investigate DSA and characterize the effectiveness of category-awareness. • We conduct a limit study to understand the benefit of applying approximation in a perframe manner with category-awareness (category-aware dynamic DSA). • We present the challenges of harnessing DSA and a proof-of-concept runtime.

M. Halpern, T. Mummert, M. Novak, E. Duesterwald, and V. J. Reddi, “The Case for Node Multi-Versioning in Cognitive Cloud Services: Achieving Responsiveness and Accuracy at Datacenter Scale,” Workshop on Cognitive Architectures (CogArch). 2016.Abstract

Cognitive cloud services seek to provide end-users with functionalities that have historically required human intellect to complete. End-users expect these services to be both responsive and accurate, which pose conflicting requirements for service providers. Today’s cloud services deployment schemes follow a “one size fits all” scale-out strategy, where multiple instantiations of the same version of the service are used to scale-out and handle all end-users. Meanwhile, many cognitive services are of a statistical nature where deeper exploration yields more accurate results but also requires more processing time. Finding a single service configuration setting that satisfies the latency and accuracy requirements for the largest number of expected end-user requests can be a challenging task. As a result, cognitive cloud service providers are conservatively configured to maximize the number of enduser requests for which a satisfactory latency-accuracy tradeoff can be achieved. Using a production-grade Automatic Speech Recognition cloud service as a representative example to study, we demonstrate the inefficiencies of this single version approach and propose a new service node multi-versioning deployment scheme for cognitive services instead. We present an oracle-based limit study where we show that service node multi-versioning can provide a 2.5X reduction in execution time together with a 24% improvement in accuracy over a traditional single version deployment scheme. We also discuss several design considerations to address when implementing service node multi-versioning.

N. Chachmon, D. Richins, R. Cohn, M. Christensson, W. Cui, and V. J. Reddi, “Simulation and Analysis Engine for Scale-Out Workloads,” in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2016, pp. 22. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We introduce a system-level Simulation and Analysis Engine (SAE) framework based on dynamic binary instrumentation for fine-grained and customizable instruction-level introspection of everything that executes on the processor. SAE can instrument the BIOS, kernel, drivers, and user processes. It can also instrument multiple systems simultaneously using a single instrumentation interface, which is essential for studying scale-out applications. SAE is an x86 instruction set simulator designed specifically to enable rapid prototyping, evaluation, and validation of architectural extensions and program analysis tools using its flexible APIs. It is fast enough to execute full platform workloads—a modern operating system can boot in a few minutes—thus enabling research, evaluation, and validation of complex functionalities related to multicore configurations, virtualization, security, and more. To reach high speeds, SAE couples tightly with a virtual platform and employs both a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that helps simulate simple instructions eciently and a fast interpreter for simulating new or complex instructions. We describe SAE’s architecture and instrumentation engine design and show the framework’s usefulness for single- and multi-system architectural and program analysis studies.

D. Richins, Y. Zhu, M. Halpern, and V. J. Reddi, “Locality Lost: Unlocking the Performance of Event-Driven Servers,” in International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2015.Abstract

Server-side Web applications are in the midst of a software evolution. Application developers are turning away from the established thread-per-request model, where each request gets a dedicated thread on the server, and toward event-driven programming platforms, which promise improved scalability and CPU utilization [1]. In response, we perform a microarchitectural analysis of these applications in current server processors and identify several serious performance bottlenecks and optimization opportunities for future processor designs.

Y. Zhu, D. Richins, M. Halpern, and V. J. Reddi, “Microarchitectural Implications of Event-Driven Server-Side Web Applications,” in Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2015, pp. 762–774. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Enterprise Web applications are moving towards serverside scripting using managed languages. Within this shifting context, event-driven programming is emerging as a crucial programming model to achieve scalability. In this paper, we study the microarchitectural implications of server-side scripting, JavaScript in particular, from a unique event-driven programming model perspective. Using the Node.js framework, we come to several critical microarchitectural conclusions. First, unlike traditional server-workloads such as CloudSuite and BigDataBench that are based on the conventional threadbased execution model, event-driven applications are heavily single-threaded, and as such they require significant singlethread performance. Second, the single-thread performance is severely limited by the front-end inefficiencies of today’s server processor microarchitecture, ultimately leading to overall execution inefficiencies. The front-end inefficiencies stem from the unique combination of limited intra-event code reuse and large inter-event reuse distance. Third, through a deep understanding of event-specific characteristics, architects can mitigate the front-end inefficiencies of the managed-languagebased event-driven execution via a combination of instruction cache insertion policy and prefetcher.

L. Guckert, M. O’Connor, K. S. Ravindranath, Z. Zhao, and J. V. Reddi, “A Case for Persistent Caching of Compiled Javascript Code in Mobile Web Browsers,” in Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation (AMAS-BT), 2013.Abstract

Over the past decade webpages have grown an order of magnitude in computational complexity. Modern webpages provide rich and complex interactive behaviors for differentiated user experiences. Many of these new capabilities are delivered via JavaScript embedded within these webpages. In this work, we evaluate the potential benefits of persistently caching compiled JavaScript code in the Mozilla JavaScript engine within the Firefox browser. We cache compiled byte codes and generated native code across browser sessions to eliminate the redundant compilation work that occurs when webpages are revisited. Current browsers maintain persistent caches of code and images received over the network. Current browsers also maintain inmemory “caches” of recently accessed webpages (WebKit’s Page Cache or Firefox’s “Back-Forward” cache) that do not persist across browser sessions. This paper assesses the performance improvement and power reduction opportunities that arise from caching compiled JavaScript across browser sessions. We show that persistent caching can achieve an average of 91% reduction in compilation time for top webpages and 78% for HTML5 webpages. It also reduces energy consumption by an average of 23% as compared to the baseline.

S. Campanoni, T. Jones, G. Holloway, V. J. Reddi, G. - Y. Wei, and D. Brooks, “HELIX: Automatic Parallelization of Irregular Programs for Chip Multiprocessing,” in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2012, pp. 84–93. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We describe and evaluate HELIX, a new technique for automatic loop parallelization that assigns successive iterations of a loop to separate threads. We show that the inter-thread communication costs forced by loop-carried data dependences can be mitigated by code optimization, by using an effective heuristic for selecting loops to parallelize, and by using helper threads to prefetch synchronization signals. We have implemented HELIX as part of an optimizing compiler framework that automatically selects and parallelizes loops from general sequential programs. The framework uses an analytical model of loop speedups, combined with profile data, to choose loops to parallelize. On a six-core Intel✌R Core❚▼ i7-980X, HELIX achieves speedups averaging 2.25✂, with a maximum of 4.12✂, for thirteen C benchmarks from SPEC CPU2000.

P. Bailis, V. J. Reddi, S. Gandhi, D. Brooks, and M. Seltzer, “Dimetrodon: processor-level preventive thermal management via idle cycle injection,” in Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2011 48th ACM/EDAC/IEEE, 2011, pp. 89–94.
A. Shye, J. Blomstedt, T. Moseley, V. J. Reddi, and D. A. Connors, “PLR: A Software Approach to Transient Fault Tolerance for Multicore Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 135–148, 2009. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Transient faults are emerging as a critical concern in the reliability of general-purpose microprocessors. As architectural trends point towards multi-core designs, there is substantial interest in adapting such parallel hardware resources for transient fault tolerance. This paper presents process-level redundancy (PLR), a software technique for transient fault tolerance which leverages multiple cores for low overhead. PLR creates a set of redundant processes per application process, and systematically compares the processes to guarantee correct execution. Redundancy at the process level allows the operating system to freely schedule the processes across all available hardware resources. PLR uses a software-centric approach to transient fault tolerance which shifts the focus from ensuring correct hardware execution to ensuring correct software execution. As a result, many benign faults that do not propagate to affect program correctness can be safely ignored. A real prototype is presented that is designed to be transparent to the application and can run on general-purpose single-threaded programs without modifications to the program, operating system, or underlying hardware. The system is evaluated for fault coverage and performance on 4-way SMP machine, and provides improved performance over existing software transient fault tolerance techniques with an 16.9% overhead for fault detection on a set of optimized SPEC2000 binaries.

Index Terms—fault tolerance, reliability, transient faults, soft errors, process-level redundancy

V. J. Reddi, D. Connors, R. Cohn, and M. D. Smith, “Persistent Code Caching: Exploiting Code Reuse Across Executions and Applications,” in Code Generation and Optimization, 2007. CGO'07. International Symposium on, 2007, pp. 74–88. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Run-time compilation systems are challenged with the task of translating a program’s instruction stream while maintaining low overhead. While software managed code caches are utilized to amortize translation costs, they are ineffective for programs with short run times or large amounts of cold code. Such program characteristics are prevalent in real-life computing environments, ranging from Graphical User Interface (GUI) programs to large-scale applications such as database management systems. Persistent code caching addresses these issues. It is described and evaluated in an industry-strength dynamic binary instrumentation system – Pin. The proposed approach improves the intra-execution model of code reuse by storing and reusing translations across executions, thereby achieving inter-execution persistence. Dynamically linked programs leverage inter-application persistence by using persistent translations of library code generated by other programs. New translations discovered across executions are automatically accumulated into the persistent code caches, thereby improving performance over time. Inter-execution persistence improves the performance of GUI applications by nearly 90%, while inter-application persistence achieves a 59% improvement. In more specialized uses, the SPEC2K INT benchmark suite experiences a 26% improvement under dynamic binary instrumentation. Finally, a 400% speedup is achieved in translating the Oracle database in a regression testing environment.

T. Moseley, A. Shye, V. J. Reddi, D. Grunwald, and R. Peri, “Shadow Profiling: Hiding Instrumentation Costs with Parallelism,” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2007, pp. 198–208. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In profiling, a tradeoff exists between information and overhead. For example, hardware-sampling profilers incur negligible overhead, but the information they collect is consequently very coarse. Other profilers use instrumentation tools to gather temporal traces such as path profiles and hot memory streams, but they have high overhead. Runtime and feedback-directed compilation systems need detailed information to aggressively optimize, but the cost of gathering profiles can outweigh the benefits. Shadow profiling is a novel method for sampling long traces of instrumented code in parallel with normal execution, taking advantage of the trend of increasing numbers of cores. Each instrumented sample can be many millions of instructions in length. The primary goal is to incur negligible overhead, yet attain profile information that is nearly as accurate as a perfect profile.

The profiler requires no modifications to the operating system or hardware, and is tunable to allow for greater coverage or lower overhead. We evaluate the performance and accuracy of this new profiling technique for two common types of instrumentation-based profiles: interprocedural path profiling and value profiling. Overall, profiles collected using the shadow profiling framework are 94% accurate versus perfect value profiles, while incurring less than 1% overhead. Consequently, this technique increases the viability of dynamic and continuous optimization systems by hiding the high overhead of instrumentation and enabling the online collection of many types of profiles that were previously too costly.

R. Cohn, T. Moseley, and V. REDDI, “System and Method to Instrument References to Shared Memory”, US Patent:, 2006.
A. Shye, et al., “Analysis of Path Profiling Information Generated With Performance Monitoring Hardware,” Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures (INTERACT). IEEE, pp. 34–43, 2005. IEEE VersionAbstract

Even with the breakthroughs in semiconductor technology that will enable billion transistor designs, hardwarebased architecture paradigms alone cannot substantially improve processor performance. The challenge in realizing the full potential of these future machines is to find ways to adapt program behavior to application needs and processor resources. As such, run-time optimization will have a distinct role in future high performance systems. However, as these systems are dependent on accurate, fine-grain profile information, traditional approaches to collecting profiles at run-time result in significant slowdowns during program execution.

A novel approach to low-overhead profiling is to exploit hardware Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) present in modern microprocessors. The Itanium-2 PMU can periodically sample the last few taken branches in an executing program and this information can be used to recreate partial paths of execution. With compiler-aided analysis, the partial paths can be correlated into full paths. As statistically hot paths are most likely to occur in PMU samples, even infrequent sampling can accurately identify these paths. While traditional path profiling techniques carry a high overhead, a PMU-based path profiler represents an effective lightweight profiling alternative. This paper characterizes the PMU-based path information and demonstrates the construction of such a PMU-based path profiler for a run-time system.

A. Shye, M. Iyer, V. J. Reddi, and D. A. Connors, “Code Coverage Testing Using Hardware Performance Monitoring Support,” in Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on Automated analysis-driven debugging, 2005, pp. 159–163. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Code coverage analysis, the process of finding code exercised by a particular set of test inputs, is an important component of software development and verification. Most traditional methods of implementing code coverage analysis tools are based on program instrumentation. These methods typically incur high overhead due to the insertion and execution of instrumentation code, and are not deployable in many software environments. Hardware-based sampling techniques attempt to lower overhead by leveraging existing Hardware Performance Monitoring (HPM) support for program counter (PC) sampling. While PC-sampling incurs lower levels of overhead, it does not provide complete coverage information. This paper extends the HPM approach in two ways. First, it utilizes the sampling of branch vectors which are supported on modern processors. Second, compiler analysis is performed on branch vectors to extend the amount of code coverage information derived from each sample. This paper shows that although HPM is generally used to guide performance improvement efforts, there is substantial promise in leveraging the HPM information for code debugging and verification. The combination of sampled branch vectors and compiler analysis can be used to attain upwards of 80% of the actual code coverage.

Q. Wu, et al., “A Dynamic Compilation Framework for Controlling Microprocessor Energy and Performance,” in Proceedings of the 38th annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2005, pp. 271–282. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is an effective technique for controlling microprocessor energy and performance. Existing DVFS techniques are primarily based on hardware, OS timeinterrupts, or static-compiler techniques. However, substantially greater gains can be realized when control opportunities are also explored in a dynamic compilation environment. There are several advantages to deploying DVFS and managing energy/performance tradeoffs through the use of a dynamic compiler. Most importantly, dynamic compiler driven DVFS is fine-grained, code-aware, and adaptive to the current microarchitecture environment. This paper presents a design framework of the run-time DVFS optimizer in a general dynamic compilation system. A prototype of the DVFS optimizer isimplemented and integrated into an industrialstrength dynamic compilation system. The obtained optimization system is deployed in a real hardware platform that directly measures CPU voltage and current for accurate power and energy readings. Experimental results, based on physical measurements for over 40 SPEC or Olden benchmarks, show that significant energy savings are achieved with little performance degradation. SPEC2K FP benchmarks benefit with energy savings of up to 70% (with 0.5% performance loss). In addition, SPEC2K INT show up to 44% energy savings (with 5% performance loss), SPEC95 FP save up to 64% (with 4.9% performance loss), and Olden save up to 61% (with 4.5% performance loss). On average, the technique leads to an energy delay product (EDP) improvement that is 3X-5X better than static voltage scaling, and is more than 2X (22% vs. 9%) better than the reported DVFS results of prior static compiler work. While the proposed technique is an effective method for microprocessor voltage and frequency control, the design framework and methodology described in this paper have broader potential to address other energy and power issues such as di/dt and thermal control.

T. Moseley, et al., “Dynamic Run-time Architecture Techniques For Enabling Continuous Optimization,” in Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Computing frontiers, 2005, pp. 211–220. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Future computer systems will integrate tens of multithreaded processor cores on a single chip die, resulting in hundreds of concurrent program threads sharing system resources. These designs will be the cornerstone of improving throughput in high-performance computing and server environments. However, to date, appropriate systems software (operating system, run-time system, and compiler) technologies for these emerging machines have not been adequately explored. Future processors will require sophisticated hardware monitoring units to continuously feed back resource utilization information to allow the operating system to make optimal thread co-scheduling decisions and also to software that continuously optimizes the program itself. Nevertheless, in order to continually and automatically adapt systems resources to program behaviors and application needs, specific run-time information must be collected to adequately enable dynamic code optimization and operating system scheduling. Generally, run-time optimization is limited by the time required to collect profiles, the time required to perform optimization, and the inherent benefits of any optimization or decisions. Initial techniques for effectively utilizing runtime information for dynamic optimization and informed thread scheduling in future multithreaded architectures are presented.

V. J. Reddi, D. Connors, and R. S. Cohn, “Persistence in Dynamic Code Transformation Systems,” ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, vol. 33, no. 5. ACM, pp. 69–74, 2005. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Dynamic code transformation systems (DCTS) can broadly be grouped into three distinct categories: optimization, translation and instrumentation. All of these face the critical challenge of minimizing the overhead incurred during transformation since their execution is interleaved with the execution of the application itself. The common DCTS tasks incurring overhead are the identification of frequently executed code sequences, costly analysis of program information, and run-time creation (writing) of new code sequences. The cost of such work is amortized by the repeated execution of the transformed code. However, as these steps are applied to all general code regions (regardless of their execution frequency and characteristics), there is substantial overhead that impacts the application’s performance. As such, it is challenging to effectively deploy dynamic transformation under fixed performance constraints. This paper explores a technique for eliminating the overhead incurred by exploiting persistent application execution characteristics that are shared across different application invocations. This technique is implemented and evaluated in Pin, a dynamic instrumentation engine. This version of Pin is referred to as Persistent Pin (PPin). Initial PPin experimental results indicate that using information from prior runs can reduce dynamic instrumentation overhead of SPEC applications by as much as 25% and over 90% for everyday applications like web browsers, display rendering systems, and spreadsheet programs.

