
C. - K. Luk, et al., “Pin: Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic Instrumentation,” in Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2005, no. 6. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Robust and powerful software instrumentation tools are essential for program analysis tasks such as profiling, performance evaluation, and bug detection. To meet this need, we have developed a new instrumentation system called Pin. Our goals are to provide easy-to-use, portable, transparent, and efficient instrumentation. Instrumentation tools (called Pintools) are written in C/C++ using Pin’s rich API. Pin follows the model of ATOM, allowing the tool writer to analyze an application at the instruction level without the need for detailed knowledge of the underlying instruction set. The API is designed to be architecture independent whenever possible, making Pintools source compatible across different architectures. However, a Pintool can access architecture-specific details when necessary. Instrumentation with Pin is mostly transparent as the application and Pintool observe the application’s original, uninstrumented behavior. Pin uses dynamic compilation to instrument executables while they are running. For efficiency, Pin uses several techniques, including inlining, register re-allocation, liveness analysis, and instruction scheduling to optimize instrumentation. This fully automated approach delivers significantly better instrumentation performance than similar tools. For example, Pin is 3.3x faster than Valgrind and 2x faster than DynamoRIO for basic-block counting. To illustrate Pin’s versatility, we describe two Pintools in daily use to analyze production software. Pin is publicly available for Linux platforms on four architectures: IA32 (32-bit x86), EM64T (64-bit x86), ItaniumR , and ARM. In the ten months since Pin 2 was released in July 2004, there have been over 3000 downloads from its website.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and Debugging-code inspections and walk-throughs, debugging aids, tracing; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processorscompilers, incremental compilers

General Terms

Languages, Performance, Experimentation


Instrumentation, program analysis tools, dynamic compilation

V. J. Reddi, A. Settle, D. A. Connors, and R. S. Cohn, “PIN: A Binary Instrumentation Tool for Computer Architecture Research and Education,” Workshop on Computer architecture education (WCAE). ACM, pp. 22, 2004. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Computer architecture embraces a tremendous number of ever-changing inter-connected concepts and information, yet computer architecture education is very often static, seemingly motionless. Computer architecture is commonly taught using simple piecewise methods of explaining how the hardware performs a given task, rather than characterizing the interaction of software and hardware. Visualization tools allow students to interactively explore basic concepts in computer architecture but are limited in their ability to engage students in research and design concepts. Likewise as the development of simulation models such as caches, branch predictors, and pipelines aid student understanding of architecture components, such models have limitations in the workloads that can be examined because of issues with execution time and environment. Overall, to effectively understand modern architectures, it is simply essential to experiment the characteristics of real application workloads. Likewise, understanding program behavior is necessary to effective programming, comprehension of architecture bottlenecks, and hardware design. Computer architecture education must include experience in analyzing program behavior and workload characteristics using effective tools. To explore workload characteristic analysis in computer architecture design, we propose using PIN, a binary instrumentation tool for computer architecture research and education projects.


