Program Introspection (Pin)

Introspecting program behavior on the fly is a powerful concept that has many different applications. Dynamic program introspection can be useful to understand hot/cold code behavior, perform information flow tracking, security analysis, and so forth. However, transparently introspecting the program can be challenging because just the notion of monitoring the program can perturb the original program's behavior. Techniques need to be invented to enable easy-to-use, portable, transparent, and efficient monitoring of applications and systems. For instance, the picture above illustrates a mix of techniques we use to introspect program behavior to dynamically tune the system for better performance and power efficiency.


We develop static and dynamic program instrumentation techniques that often leverage compiler technology but also utilize hardware performance counters for lightweight profiling. We develop instrumentation technology for a variety of systems, including but not limited to the following: process level virtual machines (VM), system level VMs, distributed systems.


N. Chachmon, D. Richins, R. Cohn, M. Christensson, W. Cui, and V. J. Reddi, “Simulation and Analysis Engine for Scale-Out Workloads,” in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2016, pp. 22. Publisher's VersionAbstract

We introduce a system-level Simulation and Analysis Engine (SAE) framework based on dynamic binary instrumentation for fine-grained and customizable instruction-level introspection of everything that executes on the processor. SAE can instrument the BIOS, kernel, drivers, and user processes. It can also instrument multiple systems simultaneously using a single instrumentation interface, which is essential for studying scale-out applications. SAE is an x86 instruction set simulator designed specifically to enable rapid prototyping, evaluation, and validation of architectural extensions and program analysis tools using its flexible APIs. It is fast enough to execute full platform workloads—a modern operating system can boot in a few minutes—thus enabling research, evaluation, and validation of complex functionalities related to multicore configurations, virtualization, security, and more. To reach high speeds, SAE couples tightly with a virtual platform and employs both a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that helps simulate simple instructions eciently and a fast interpreter for simulating new or complex instructions. We describe SAE’s architecture and instrumentation engine design and show the framework’s usefulness for single- and multi-system architectural and program analysis studies.

T. Moseley, A. Shye, V. J. Reddi, D. Grunwald, and R. Peri, “Shadow Profiling: Hiding Instrumentation Costs with Parallelism,” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2007, pp. 198–208. Publisher's VersionAbstract

In profiling, a tradeoff exists between information and overhead. For example, hardware-sampling profilers incur negligible overhead, but the information they collect is consequently very coarse. Other profilers use instrumentation tools to gather temporal traces such as path profiles and hot memory streams, but they have high overhead. Runtime and feedback-directed compilation systems need detailed information to aggressively optimize, but the cost of gathering profiles can outweigh the benefits. Shadow profiling is a novel method for sampling long traces of instrumented code in parallel with normal execution, taking advantage of the trend of increasing numbers of cores. Each instrumented sample can be many millions of instructions in length. The primary goal is to incur negligible overhead, yet attain profile information that is nearly as accurate as a perfect profile.

The profiler requires no modifications to the operating system or hardware, and is tunable to allow for greater coverage or lower overhead. We evaluate the performance and accuracy of this new profiling technique for two common types of instrumentation-based profiles: interprocedural path profiling and value profiling. Overall, profiles collected using the shadow profiling framework are 94% accurate versus perfect value profiles, while incurring less than 1% overhead. Consequently, this technique increases the viability of dynamic and continuous optimization systems by hiding the high overhead of instrumentation and enabling the online collection of many types of profiles that were previously too costly.

V. J. Reddi, “Deploying Dynamic Code Transformation in Modern Computing Environments,” University of Colorado, 2006.Abstract

Dynamic code transformation systems are steadily gaining acceptance in computing environments for services such as program optimization, translation, instrumentation and security. Code transformation systems are required to perform complex and time consuming tasks such as costly program analysis and apply transformations (i.e. instrumentation, translation etc.) As these steps are applied to all code regions (regardless of characteristics), the transformation overhead can be significant. Once transformed, the remaining overhead is determined by the performance of the translated code. Current code transformation systems can only become part of mainstream computing only if these overheads are eliminated. Nevertheless, certain application and computing environments exist in which code transformation systems can be effectively deployed. This thesis identifies two such environments, persistence and mixed execution. Persistence leverages previous execution characteristics to address the transformation overhead. This is accomplished by capturing the translated executions at the end of their first invocation. The captured executions are cached on disk for re-use. All subsequent invocations of the run-time system using the same application cause the system to reuse the cached executions. Since applications exhibit similar behavior across varying input data sets, this execution model successfully diminishes the transformation overhead across multiple invocations. Persistence in the domain of dynamic binary instrumentation is highlighted as an example. Mixed execution accepts that the performance of the code generated by today’s code transformation systems is in no position to compete with original execution times. Therefore, this technique proposes executing a mix of the original and translated code sequences to keep the translated code performance penalties within bounds. This execution model is a more effective alternative to pure Just-in-Time compiler-based code transformation systems, when low overheads and minimal architectural perturbation are the critical constraints required to be met. A dynamic compilation framework for controlling microprocessor energy and performance using this model is presented in light of its effectiveness and practicality.

A. Shye, M. Iyer, V. J. Reddi, and D. A. Connors, “Code Coverage Testing Using Hardware Performance Monitoring Support,” in Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on Automated analysis-driven debugging, 2005, pp. 159–163. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Code coverage analysis, the process of finding code exercised by a particular set of test inputs, is an important component of software development and verification. Most traditional methods of implementing code coverage analysis tools are based on program instrumentation. These methods typically incur high overhead due to the insertion and execution of instrumentation code, and are not deployable in many software environments. Hardware-based sampling techniques attempt to lower overhead by leveraging existing Hardware Performance Monitoring (HPM) support for program counter (PC) sampling. While PC-sampling incurs lower levels of overhead, it does not provide complete coverage information. This paper extends the HPM approach in two ways. First, it utilizes the sampling of branch vectors which are supported on modern processors. Second, compiler analysis is performed on branch vectors to extend the amount of code coverage information derived from each sample. This paper shows that although HPM is generally used to guide performance improvement efforts, there is substantial promise in leveraging the HPM information for code debugging and verification. The combination of sampled branch vectors and compiler analysis can be used to attain upwards of 80% of the actual code coverage.

A. Shye, et al., “Analysis of Path Profiling Information Generated With Performance Monitoring Hardware,” Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures (INTERACT). IEEE, pp. 34–43, 2005. IEEE VersionAbstract

Even with the breakthroughs in semiconductor technology that will enable billion transistor designs, hardwarebased architecture paradigms alone cannot substantially improve processor performance. The challenge in realizing the full potential of these future machines is to find ways to adapt program behavior to application needs and processor resources. As such, run-time optimization will have a distinct role in future high performance systems. However, as these systems are dependent on accurate, fine-grain profile information, traditional approaches to collecting profiles at run-time result in significant slowdowns during program execution.

A novel approach to low-overhead profiling is to exploit hardware Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) present in modern microprocessors. The Itanium-2 PMU can periodically sample the last few taken branches in an executing program and this information can be used to recreate partial paths of execution. With compiler-aided analysis, the partial paths can be correlated into full paths. As statistically hot paths are most likely to occur in PMU samples, even infrequent sampling can accurately identify these paths. While traditional path profiling techniques carry a high overhead, a PMU-based path profiler represents an effective lightweight profiling alternative. This paper characterizes the PMU-based path information and demonstrates the construction of such a PMU-based path profiler for a run-time system.

C. - K. Luk, et al., “Pin: Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic Instrumentation,” in Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2005, no. 6. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Robust and powerful software instrumentation tools are essential for program analysis tasks such as profiling, performance evaluation, and bug detection. To meet this need, we have developed a new instrumentation system called Pin. Our goals are to provide easy-to-use, portable, transparent, and efficient instrumentation. Instrumentation tools (called Pintools) are written in C/C++ using Pin’s rich API. Pin follows the model of ATOM, allowing the tool writer to analyze an application at the instruction level without the need for detailed knowledge of the underlying instruction set. The API is designed to be architecture independent whenever possible, making Pintools source compatible across different architectures. However, a Pintool can access architecture-specific details when necessary. Instrumentation with Pin is mostly transparent as the application and Pintool observe the application’s original, uninstrumented behavior. Pin uses dynamic compilation to instrument executables while they are running. For efficiency, Pin uses several techniques, including inlining, register re-allocation, liveness analysis, and instruction scheduling to optimize instrumentation. This fully automated approach delivers significantly better instrumentation performance than similar tools. For example, Pin is 3.3x faster than Valgrind and 2x faster than DynamoRIO for basic-block counting. To illustrate Pin’s versatility, we describe two Pintools in daily use to analyze production software. Pin is publicly available for Linux platforms on four architectures: IA32 (32-bit x86), EM64T (64-bit x86), ItaniumR , and ARM. In the ten months since Pin 2 was released in July 2004, there have been over 3000 downloads from its website.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and Debugging-code inspections and walk-throughs, debugging aids, tracing; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processorscompilers, incremental compilers

General Terms

Languages, Performance, Experimentation


Instrumentation, program analysis tools, dynamic compilation

V. J. Reddi, A. Settle, D. A. Connors, and R. S. Cohn, “PIN: A Binary Instrumentation Tool for Computer Architecture Research and Education,” Workshop on Computer architecture education (WCAE). ACM, pp. 22, 2004. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Computer architecture embraces a tremendous number of ever-changing inter-connected concepts and information, yet computer architecture education is very often static, seemingly motionless. Computer architecture is commonly taught using simple piecewise methods of explaining how the hardware performs a given task, rather than characterizing the interaction of software and hardware. Visualization tools allow students to interactively explore basic concepts in computer architecture but are limited in their ability to engage students in research and design concepts. Likewise as the development of simulation models such as caches, branch predictors, and pipelines aid student understanding of architecture components, such models have limitations in the workloads that can be examined because of issues with execution time and environment. Overall, to effectively understand modern architectures, it is simply essential to experiment the characteristics of real application workloads. Likewise, understanding program behavior is necessary to effective programming, comprehension of architecture bottlenecks, and hardware design. Computer architecture education must include experience in analyzing program behavior and workload characteristics using effective tools. To explore workload characteristic analysis in computer architecture design, we propose using PIN, a binary instrumentation tool for computer architecture research and education projects.